Obituary of Robert Fredric Creasy
Robert Creasy
Aug 3, 1937- Nov. 16, 2018
It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Robert (Bob) F. Creasy on November 16, 2018. Robert was born in Brandon Manitoba. He had a big heart, always wanting to help people. He worked as a mental health and social worker for 45 yrs within the provinces of Saskatchewan, N.W.T and Manitoba and often traveled to other areas in Canada to offer training and assistance to foster parents, and child, and family services. He is predeceased by his father Gerald Creasy of Austin, MB (April 17, 1906-November 24,1987) and his step-mother, Elsie Irene (McPhail) Creasy of Rosedale, MB. (May 4, 1903-Dec 30, 1985). Robert’s birth mother Anne Roe (1907) Married Gerald Creasy on Sept 19,1931 and died in childbirth in 1939. Bob is also predeceased by his sister Barbara Pirie of Stonewall , MB, and his wife Marjory Anne Isabelle Creasy (Karlenzig) of Selkirk, MB, (June 23, 1943- February 14, 2018). Bob leaves behind many friends and family. His three children: Marla Gordon (Brent Gordon, Hailey, Aaron and Hanna Pankratz), Devon Creasy, Landon Creasy (Jocelyn Anderson, Nicholas and Zachary) and sisters Barbara Pirie of Stonewall, MB and Margo Oliver of Selkirk, MB and their families. We will be having a celebration of life in the spring to honour our dad when friends and family are able to attend. Contact Marla Gordon or check social media for information regarding this at a later date.